What Won't Work on Social Media in 2024

September 14, 2023
What Won't Work on Social Media in 2024

Social media has undeniably transformed the way we communicate, share, and connect with the world around us. However, as the digital landscape continues to evolve, so do the strategies that work effectively in this realm. 

With 2024 just around the corner, it's crucial to recognize that not all social media strategies that once succeeded will continue to do so next year. In this blog, we'll dive into what won't work in the ever-evolving social media landscape of 2024.

Ignoring Short-Form Video Content

Video content has been on the rise for years, and its importance will continue to grow in 2024. With the rise of TikTok and Instagram Reels, Short-form video content has exploded in popularity and will continue to do so for the upcoming year. 

Failing to incorporate Short-Form video into your social media strategy means missing out on response, engagement and added revenue. Static images and text-only posts will pale in comparison to the immersive, dynamic experience that video provides.


Generic Content and Engagement

Gone are the days when generic, one-size-fits-all content could engage a broad audience. In 2024, users expect content that resonates with their individual preferences and experiences. Algorithms are becoming more sophisticated, making it essential for brands and individuals to create tailored content that genuinely adds value to their followers' feeds. Mass-produced, generic posts are likely to get lost in the noise.

With this, 2024 will be strong for paid social and connected TV advertising, as both mediums allow brands to target individuals at a highly specific and detailed level. Targeting on paid social and CTV is beneficial for brands looking to reach a niche audience. As individuals love tailored content, they will be more likely to purchase a product that appears to be fit for them.

Disregarding Social Issues and Values

Today's users, especially younger generations, are highly attuned to social and environmental issues. Brands and individuals that ignore or remain silent on these matters may find themselves facing backlash. In 2024, it's essential to align your social media presence with your values and address relevant social issues authentically. 

Individuals have also become more vocal on social media in terms of the customer service received by brands. With this, the use of social media as a source of customer support has gained popularity. 90% of consumers look for an immediate response from a brand when vocalizing a concern or question. Having another public outlet to address set concerns will increase a brand’s trust with the consumer and also allow for a quicker, more direct and personalized response.


Disregarding Authenticity

The era of over-planned and meticulously curated content is vanishing. In 2024, authenticity reigns supreme. Users are drawn to genuine, unfiltered glimpses into people's lives and behind-the-scenes looks at brands. Anything that appears overproduced or insincere is likely to be met with skepticism and disinterest.

As a brand, it is important to have a strong organic social media presence as it increases brand awareness, and more importantly, consumer-brand trust. Consumers love legitimacy and non-paid content as well. It shows purchasers that they belong in an online community and allows them to feel they are getting honest and untouched information/content.

Excessive Reliance on a Single Platform

Relying too heavily on a single social media platform can be risky. The digital landscape is fickle, with trends and user preferences changing rapidly. Relying solely on one platform leaves you vulnerable to potential shifts that could adversely affect your reach and engagement. Diversifying your presence across multiple platforms can provide a safety net and reach a broader audience.


Overlooking Privacy Concerns

In the past, many social media users were willing to trade their personal information for the convenience of using platforms freely. However, the tide has shifted as users become more privacy-conscious. Neglecting privacy concerns and mishandling user data won't be tolerated in 2024. According to Gartner.com, 75% of the global population will have their personal data covered under the privacy regulations in 2024. Social media platforms and marketers that fail to prioritize user privacy will likely face backlash and loss of trust.

As the social media landscape evolves, so do the strategies that yield success. In 2024, it is crucial to adapt to these changing dynamics and aligning with user preferences will be the cornerstone of a successful social media strategy in the coming year.

If you are looking to build an effective social media strategy in 2024 for your brand, but don’t know where to start, we can help. Contact us today at [email protected].